
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A December to Remember

Since my last post, life has once again the craziness of life has once again interjected itself into my world. I ended up dropping one of my classes this semester to have a better work-life balance and SO finished his Masters Degree exams with flying colors, but both SO and his father have been hospitalized since my last post. I also spent the vast majority of October dog sitting, ending up with less than three days off for the entire month. It has been on of the most difficult semesters we've ever experienced and I am extremely grateful to be heading into finals on Thursday.

I am extremely grateful to be going into finals with the new job that I started this semester. My boss has been incredibly gracious to let me adjust my schedule as needed and I have finally been able to sit down and write up my first post to BCCD since October. In truth, I haven't been able to craft much, but I have been able to finish one small cross stitch project, continue working on my charity square for Sprite Stitch, and even Yoshi has gotten some love here and there over the last ten weeks or so.

At this point, I am so grateful to just have a family that is happy and healthy. We have been through so much this year that it's nice to be approaching the end of a year and a clean slate with the upcoming year. SO has received his first official teaching offer for Spring 2015 and is currently waiting for the hiring process to begin for other local colleges.

My goal is to begin updating BCCD again on a regular basis beginning Friday, December 19th. Thank you everyone for your continued support through this insane year and I look forward to seeing you all on BCCD, dA, and Pinterest in upcoming weeks.


P.S. I am diligently working my way through the 400+ notifications I have received on deviant Art since October. Please bear with me if you have contacted me this way over the last few months!