
Monday, March 10, 2014

Life, Work, and Companion Cubes

Well, things have been a bit hectic lately, but midterms are finally over and I think that I'll be able to get some more work done on Yoshi, soon.

My biggest two issues in terms of crafting have been time management and safely transporting my projects around with me during the week. Between work and classes (and applying for an amazing position that just came available at work this week), crafts haven't been at the top of my list. They've been toted along with me recently, but not much attention has been given to them, I'll admit.

I've always felt fortunate to have a boss who is also a fellow crafter. She has always been comfortable with me bringing my crafting with me to the office every day so long as all of the office's day-to-day tasks and special projects are completed. And I'm lucky that I can multitask while making our courtesy calls every afternoon, especially Friday. Here's how my week in crafting went: twenty-six  granny squares waiting to be tied and sewn in on my Companion Cube blanket.

Despite a hiatus, I've been able to get quite a bit of work done on this blanket since starting it last April. I've made 192/212 off-white squares and combined I only have 145 total squares left to make before I begin sewing. Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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