So, I did a bad thing and forgot to take a take a picture between WIP 026 and WIP 027. The good news is that it's really easy to distinguish between days. On June 30th, the day of WIP 026, I finished the left-side tree trunk's outline and filled in the entire background area between there and the chimney. I also did about one-third of the new section of khaki stitches on that day, maybe five or six rows worth, but I forgot to take a picture after everything was said and done, so OOPS!
Total Stitches Through 6/30: 3,359/21,600 (15.55%)
Total Time Through 6/30: 1d 5h 19m
Most of the work done for WIP 027 was done over at SO's house after going to the bowling alley with Charlotte, SO, and a few other friends earlier in the day. I am a terrible bowler, but it was fun to spend time with everyone before Charlotte left town for good.
I didn't get a whole bunch done in terms of appearances, but I did add 240 stitches in, which is nothing to shake a stick at. Anything over 1% in a day is great news for me. I wonder if I can keep this progress up if I can get Yoshi done by the end of summer. Somehow I doubt it, but maybe by New Year's?
Total Stitches Through 7/1: 3,599/21,600 (16.66%)
Total Time Through 7/1: 1d 7h 9m
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