Friday, December 27, 2013

Home Sweet Home Yoshi WIP 002 & 003

Well, it's Christmas Eve and things are pretty quiet here at the Bob Crochets household. My mom is out and about for the next few hours, SO spent the night and is now grading student papers before his grade submission deadline comes up, and I've been sitting at the computer for the last two hours catching up on email, blogging, and a large quantity of YOGSCAST Sips. If you're a fan of Let's Play videos, I highly recommend his stuff.

Before I get too tangential, though, let me cut right to the chase. This is my first WIP that I've blog posted, but as a general rule of thumb, I do not think that it will be a normality for me to post multiple WIP photographs together unless there is very little to show between the two (like today.) I apologize for being a little late in posting these, but as you can tell, things have been a bit busy out these past few weeks in terms of other projects and activities.

Here is WIP 002 taken on December 21st. There isn't much of a difference between this one and WIP 001, but I did add 38 stitches over thirty minutes. As of WIP 002, I am 2 hours 8 minutes into the entire project with 204/21,600 total stitches completed. I've got a long way to go, but so far this has been a very fun project--and simple to follow, too.

WIP 002

If WIP 001 and WIP 002 were similar, then the differences between 002 and 003 are negligible, but as a part of the process, I have promised myself to take progress pictures every single day that I put stitches in. This picture is from December 22nd. I only put in 20 minutes this day, but I was able to put in a total of 28 stitches. (Something is better than nothing, right?) Here's the photograph. I think from now on, for blogging's sake I think I'll post these photographs in landscape. Otherwise the page gets too stretched out.

Total Time: 2 hours 28 minutes
Total Stitches: 232 / 21, 600 (1.07% Complete)

WIP 003

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