Thursday, May 3, 2018

New Project: Servotron's Mario Through the Ages

Pattern & More Info Below
I told myself that I wouldn't start any new cross stitch projects until I finished up my 2017 Danganronpa SAL, but I just kept putting off finishing the thing because in my head I was remembering that the pattern took too much of my effort to actually focus on. Wrong... Last night I took it out to see how much actual work I had left on it and I ended up finishing the SAL off. I'm stoked because now I can start a new project, Mario Through the Ages, and focus on my other WIPs like my BIL's blanket.

My next project (which you'll see me refer to as MTTA from here on out) is another big one, bigger than Home Sweet Home Yoshi. When all is said and done, MTTA will be 72 inches square, which is huge. Truth be told, it's going to take some major time to finish, but on the weekends I'd really like to get two 18x18 squares done. It'll be a lot of work, but since this pattern has a lot of solid color blocks, I'm thinking that I'll be able to work on it pretty quickly after I grid my aida and really start digging into it.

For now, I'm just excited to be cross stitching again. Like HSHY, this project is going to be my baby for the next several months (or years) and I can't wait to complete the entire thing and get it framed on the wall. For me, there's no bigger sense of accomplishment than finishing a large project like this and then showing it to the world. And who knows, maybe it'll inspire another stitcher to start a new project!

Pattern Links:
Servotron's Mario Through the Ages Pattern (via Sprite Stitch)

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