Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Pokemon Sprite #2/20: Bellsprout!

As mentioned in a previous post, my "new year's resolution" was to cross stitch a whole bunch of Pokemon sprite ornaments for my boyfriend so that was can have the nerdiest Christmas year ever in 2014. I never put down into writing how many sprites I wanted to complete this year, though, and after some contemplation, I've landed on the nice, round number of twenty. Although the number is rather small in comparison to the total number of Pokemon that Nintendo has put out over the last few years (718, yikes!) I think that twenty ornaments is an attainable feat, even if I am working twenty hours a week and taking fifteen units this upcoming semester

Anyway, I have finished my second sprite, and I must say that I absolutely adore it. When I was younger, I loathed Bellsprout. I thought he was weird and funky and...strange to say the least, but because of the following, I've been in love with this little guy for years.

After reading up on plastic canvas pieces, I have decided to leave my sprites uncut and on their 8.5x11" sheets until the plastic fills up. It creates less waste in the long run and should help keep my workspace from being perpetually bombarded by little flakes of plastic from cutting. The pattern is by Vicky of Birdie Stitching. What do you think? (The WIP sprite above is a Charmander.)

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